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World Accordion Day Tunes!

Here are a couple Basque and Belgian tunes with the wonderful Maider Martineau, from the Basque region of France! We met in Montréal several years ago and it has been such a fun collaboration. Hope you enjoy!

Voici quelques pièces avec la merveilleuse Maider Martineau du Pays basque en France. Nous nous sommes rencontrés à Montréal il y a plusieurs années et ça a été une belle collaboration. Bonne écoute!


A Coastal Music Journey

Here is a favourite tune called 250 to Vigo, by the late great Scottish fiddler, Angus R. Grant, written for his travels along the coast in Galicia, Spain. We would like to take you on a musical journey up our coast, starting in Seattle, WA (filmed by Colm MacCárthaigh), and bringing you to our Sea to Sky home area of BC.

It was a lot of fun putting this together! Hope you enjoy :)

Jocelyn Pettit - fiddle
Joel Pettit - bodhran
Siew Wan Khoo - piano
Erik Musseau - whistle
Colm MacCárthaigh - guitar


Maids of Mitchelstown / Neckbelly:

A few favourite Irish tunes, with the fabulous Ellen Gira and Ali Hutton!

Jocelyn Pettit