Duo Album + Shows!

After 18 months apart, I'm so happy to be reunited with fantastic cellist, Ellen Gira, and our fiddle-cello duo project. We're very excited to be working on our debut album together, All It Brings! We have just launched a crowdfunder to help fund the project, with special perks, pre-orders and ways you can get involved.

We would be VERY grateful for your support! Every contribution and spreading of the word helps :)

Après 18 mois, je suis contente de retrouver la fantastique violoncelliste Ellen Gira et notre projet de duo! Nous sommes très heureuses de travailler sur notre premier album ensemble. Nous venons de lancer un financement participatif pour le projet, et nous vous serions reconnaissantes de votre soutien!


Upcoming Livestream Duo Shows:

Fall Moon Concert
Presented by the Red Chamber Cultural Society
Tune in here. [available for replay]
7 PM PT / 10 PM ET

Club Passim
Tune in here.
4:30 PM PT / 7:30 PM ET

Filming at Dystopia Studio, Glasgow, Scotland

Jocelyn Pettit